Young Westview Students Develop Strong Team Bond in First Season Together

Written by dedicated teacher & coach Katie Root

Westview Centennial S.S. Girls Varsity Basketball Team

Westview Centennial S.S. Girls Varsity Basketball Team

This year the Girl’s Westview Basketball team entered the varsity division. The group of girls ranged from Grade 9 to Grade 12 but was predominately made up of junior students.  Although the girls were slight nervous to enter a higher division, they were all fully committed to the season.

Playing a season of six games in the Toronto’s West end, the girls put up a good fight in all their games. The season opener took place at Westview, where the girls went against Newtonbrook. The season opened with a double overtime. Unfortunately, this resulted in a lose for the Westview Wildcats.

 Although the season opener looked promising, the games to follow had the girls coming up a bit short in scoring. Our season record may not have reflected it, but the girls showed lots of potential and personal growth. With such a young team the hope is that together, they can develop for at least another two years.

 Many of the girls including captain Pooja Patel and Kezia Mattison, show outstanding leadership skills on and off the court. Although the girls weren’t winning on the court, Kezia and Pooja, off the court, kept the girls spirits high. The team members together, continued to fuse their bond.

 The girls are already gearing up for next year’s season and look forward to coming back stronger than ever.