St. Augustine Catholic School students plant trees and shrubs at entrance to soccer fields under hydro towers across from Yorkgate Mall

Students and teachers from St.Augustine plant trees in the soccer fields of the hydro corridor, just west of Yorkgate mall. Councillor Perruzza at far right of picture.Ms. Tonia Price- Teacher, Councillor Anthony Perruzza, Constituency Assistant Janelle Brady, Teacher Mr. Gabriel PetrozziSt. Augustine Catholic School on Friday, October 9th participated in their first ever tree planting event at Romberto Navia Sport Field. This park is the soccer fields just west of York Gate Blvd. under the hydro towers, west of York Gate Mall.Despite looming storms, clouds  students joined in to take part in the environment challenge. Staff provided them with all the essential tools and step by step instructions needed to complete there tasks. Councillor Anthony Perruzza was on hand to encourage and guide the busy volunteers. Participants dug holes, planted and added mulch. In less than an hour the park looked transformed. Thank you for this opportunity and we look forward to meeting up next year again.