Want a job in automotive or transit? See what is happening at Emery C.I.


By: Mr. Ravi Mohan-Sukhai (Teacher at Emery C.I.)

Transportation Technology students extend their knowledge and understanding of transportation systems and various modes of transportation. Students remove, dissemble and reassemble various components of motor vehicles, learn more about fundamental concepts of engines, transmissions, brakes and various electronic components of a vehicle. Our Specialist High Skills Major (Transportation) provides students with a strong foundation for a wide variety of careers in the transportation sector, leading from those focusing on the service, repair, and modification of vehicles and vehicle systems to those related to the organization and man-agement of transportation services and mass-transit systems.

Trans 1 and 2 combined Original article was posted in the volume 6, issue 3 December, 2015 newsletter of Emery C.I.